Short Survey and a Giveaway

Greetings Trials of Ascension fans!

We are making this post to inform you that a giveaway has begun on the facebook page for Trials of Ascension which can be found here. You can enter the giveaway by liking/following us on any of our social media (facebook, twitter, youtube, etc) and the more you follow, the more entries you get! Prizes include a 1-year subscription to Trials of Ascension when it comes out (we will need your email to send the keys when they become available), some behind-the-scenes concept art from early days, and some digitalized lore scrolls that will be sure to please any fantasy fan.

There is also a short survey that is being conducted to gain the opinions of our community. It can be found here and will help us greatly in building and improving Trials of Ascension.


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