Trials of Ascension


Post has published by Parthuin

Open Positions

Dragonfire Enterainment is looking for some talented people to help us develop Trials of Ascension because we have a dream to make an MMO others like us want to play. To make that come true, though, we need you to help out!

If you have the skills to fit the bill, we want to get to know you! If you assist us through to shipping, we’ll be elated to have you add Trials of Ascension to your portfolio and be a reference for you.

To be fully upfront, these are volunteer, unpaid positions (except for revenue from external sources). No degree, diploma or certificate required. Just skill, passion, free time and the willingness to work as a team. We have been working on Trials of Ascension out of our own pockets, but we sacrifice for our passion. Are you willing to?

2D Digital Artist

Do you love to sketch, draw, color and render? As a 2D Artist, you will take the verbal ideas of the team and bring them to life! Create concepts and features of dragons, spiders, and humans as well as icons, backgrounds, social media posts, cover art and other beautiful works for Trials of Ascension. You will be evaluated by our Lead Artist for ability.

Requirements for 2D Digital Artist:

  • Ability to work with a team, taking direction from multiple people
  • Take criticism and use it constructively 
  • Actively participate in team discussions
  • Must: Practical knowledge of 2D art from sketch to export. Create solid, complete 2D art assets without the need for clean-up by another artist
  • Optional: Animation, Trello board usage, VFX, knowledge of FireAlpaca and Unity 

To Apply for 2D Digital Artist:

Please send a video of you creating art and copies of your finished work in a portfolio to with 2D Artist as the subject.

Level Designer

Do you create levels in Unity? Do you craft beautiful dreamscapes and terrifying scenes for fun? Then we would love to work with you! We will provide all the prefabs/items for you to work with, just work with the team and create areas based on concept art, group discussions, and written notes. You will be responsible for making the world of TerVarus feel alive! You will be evaluated by our Lead Designer for ability.

Requirements for Level Designer:

  • Ability to work with a team, taking direction from multiple people
  • Take criticism and use it constructively 
  • Actively participate in team discussions
  • Must: Practical knowledge of level design in Unity
  • Optional: Unity C#, Trello board usage

To Apply for Level Designer:

Please send a video of you creating a level in Unity and videos of your finished work in a portfolio to with Level Designer as the subject.

Junior Software Developer

When you see the word syntax, do you think of sentence grammar or code? Do you only take a break during compiling? Is !false true? Then we have just the role for you! As a Junior Software Developer, you will work alongside the Lead Programmer to make the beautiful backbone of Trials of Ascension by helping to fix bugs, creating new mechanics, code cleaning and much more. You will be evaluated by our Lead Programmer for ability.

Requirements for Junior Software Developer:

  • Ability to work with a team, taking direction from multiple people
  • Take criticism and use it constructively 
  • Actively participate in team discussions
  • Must: Practical knowledge of Unity C#
  • Optional: PHP, Trello board usage

To Apply for Junior Software Developer:

Please send a video of you writing code in Unity C# and a portfolio to with Junior Software Developer as the subject.

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