Trials of Ascension


Post has published by Pat

As a member of the Silent, Shadowblade was more thief than assassin, ruling over the Shadowmoor region with heists and robberies that left victims shaken and penniless, albeit alive most times. Growing up within the moors and swamplands of Shadowmoor, The Shadowblade learned many methods of incapacitation from secrets within the swamps to use when he chose to strike a target.

He tends to choose a target based on its apparent wealth. If he spots a mark seemingly poor or not so well off, he tends to let those kinds travel on their way. Those displaying outward signs of wealth, however, are seldom so lucky. A victim of a greedy king with greedier laws, Shadowblade chose a life of financial retribution, as he likes to call it. A life of “relieving” those in obvious good standing to help The Silent, his friends and those of lesser means. As if it weren’t dangerous enough to have to travel through the bogs, mires and moors of Shadowmoor, Shadowblade made it worse for those well-off.

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